Popular Diet Reviews

Weight loss by new fad diets is one hottest trend to have taken the world by storm. New diets are introduced everyday and fresh claims are made on their effectiveness and success. The desire to loose weight in as little time as possible have given rise to this new craze and made them a billion dollar industry. A number of weight loss diets are available today that give various combination of foods to reach that ideal body weight.

But every popular diet comes with its share of flaws and successes. Here we will discuss three of the most popular diet regime that gives you the promise of fat loss and weight maintenance.

Atkins Diet

Atkins Diet is one of the most popular diets that alleges to have the highest number of success ratio. It is a high-protein, low-carbohydrate weight loss program that was introduced by Dr Robert Atkins. Declared as one of the most stringent diets, it requires immense self discipline and restrictions to follow it through. The diet works on the basis of ketosis which involves burning of body fat that results in weight reduction. The rationale behind this is, a diet rich in carbohydrates increases the production of insulin in body. This insulin readily converts the food into fat. Therefore a diet restricted in carbohydrate will make insulin burn the next available fuel which is body fat and you end up loosing weight. The Atkins diet limits the carbohydrate intake to 15 to 20 grams per day, encouraging you to replace it with proteins and fats. It also claims that the changes in your metabolism makes you feel less hungry and you are satisfied by eating less.

Atkins has also had its share of controversy by experts claiming that this diet is not practical and can be harmful for the body. It is common for people to get headaches, cramps and nausea during first two weeks on this diet. Due to severe carbohydrate restriction, there is less sugar in the body that can lead to weakness and palpitations. Atkins promotes eating meat as good source of proteins. However doctors say that consumption of more animal fat can lead to coronary blockages.

It is very important to discuss the pros and cons of this diet with a physician before starting on this program. A lot of restraint and focus is needed to remain focused and stick to this diet.

South Beach Diet

It is the latest craze in the fitness world that promises weight loss and weight maintenance without any severe food restrictions. This diet was introduced by Dr Agatston and promises amazing results in a short span of time. You can have an ideal mix of fruits, vegetables, proteins that won’t lead to severe withdrawal symptoms. While Atkins advocates unlimited consumption of fats this diet severely condones it. The principal behind losing weight lies in the glycerin factor of different foods. Carbs with high glycerin factor release more sugar in the body which aid in gaining fat. Therefore foods with low GI factor are recommended which will release sugar slowly and reduce food cravings.

On the downside the restriction on fruits and vegetable during first few days of initiation can deprive you of important vitamins and minerals.

Cabbage Soup Diet

The cabbage soup is a quick fix weight loss regime that has been in vogue for years. The all you can eat cabbage soup has been known to make you lose weight temporarily since sticking to this diet forever seems nonsensical. Its usually a 7 day program where you are encouraged to eat as much cabbage soup as you can and drink 7 to 8 cups of water a day. You can eat other fruits and vegetables but only in restriction. This diet helps you in shedding weight by losing water content in the body. Even though the soup is tasty and a great filler, it is deficient in carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. There are no long term adverse effects of this diet since it is only a temporary solution.


Before choosing a diet plan always consult a physician especially if you suffer from any health problems like heart disease, diabetes or kidney disorder. Monitor yourself regularly and if you think crash or restrictive diets are not for you, it’s better to steer clear of them. Remember it is not just about losing weight but staying healthy and leading a wholesome life.

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